incredible true-ish adventures
Monday, December 11, 2006
  Back in NY
I quit blogging for a while because I didn't have anything interesting to say. I still don't really, but I'm going to try. I'm back at school for my second year. It's been fine, I love love love my apartment on the Lower East Side and my roommate Nadya, and my classes are great this year too. I actally discovered a love for property law, of all things. And Constitutional law of course is awesome, definitelly one of those everying-I-hoped-for-and-more experiences. Quote this week from prof. Yoshino on Scalia: "You say collegue, I say best friend forever!" I've also learned a ton from helping to run the Advocacy Committee for Law Students for Human Rights. It's been tough at times: 10+ hours a week on email, and negotiating between a lot of people's competing visions of what the LSHR should be about. But I think I've gotten better at standing up for my views, and at being diplomatic, which is the other side of the same coin. And I'm better at responding to emails right away, just try me! Oh I also have been doing an internship working as part of the defense team for a federal terrorism case. That's been amazing, but I can't blog about it. Maybe when it's over in a week, but I'll have to ask the lawyers I work with what happens to confidentiality after a trial finishes. I probably should know that...
OK, I have to go to bed because it's 5:30am and I have my first final tomorrow. Here's to being almost halfawy done with law school!
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